Monday, February 29, 2016

And now what?

So the book is ready for print in two languages, - Reflections from La Herradura, and in Spanish: Reflejos del Paisaje Humano de La Herradura. It’s a story-telling journey through an enchanting village –, and it is good! Not because I say so, but because both my English and the Spanish final proof-readers, who do not know me in person, say so! My confidence is intact, but, I have to admit, the journey to get here was both exhausting and interesting. And now, the final result is a unique combination of guide book, history book and biography rolled into one, offering the reader a privileged, ‘behind the scenes’ look at life in La Herradura and a fascinating glimpse into the minds of its artists and visionaries. I’ve written it in a conversational style that makes it accessible and suitable for all types of readers. I even made a special oil painting for the cover which depicts a flamenco dancer and a white village separated by a horseshoe, as the Spanish word ‘herradura’ means horseshoe in English. To realise this book in both languages I have paid the translator, various proof-readers and other set-up costs, both in cash and with art, and finally the English and the Spanish version are now in the care of the print-on-demand printer that I work with. So far so good! There is that word again…. Good!

But now what?
Now I need to get the book to as many readers as possible in order to help turn this special village, (the place I fell in love with on my first visit in 2004), into a cultural hotspot, as that is my dream and that of many of the artists, musicians, writers, painters and other interesting souls who have participated in the book. Launching a book costs money. In order to do it well I need a considerable amount and my pockets are now empty.

Why do I care?
Well apart from having invested about a year and a half of my life and a lot of money in this project, I also care about this village that is my home. It deserves to have its cultural agenda more widely known. Many interesting things are happening here and you might want to know about them when you get a chance to visit La Herradura, which quite frankly, is a must.

So I have to find a solution. After having studied crowdfunding sites I realise that I do not have enough followers on social media or personal email contacts to organise a successful crowdfunding project. It has to be more personal. I have to put on a brave face and ask for help.


Angel Galdo F. and Mercedes Rubio (the first sponsors)

To make things interesting for any potential sponsors out there, I will be offering an incentive - call it a ‘Thank You!’ in the form of a raffle. Every donation of 10 € will be allocated a raffle number. So if you donate 50 €, for example, you will get 5 raffle tickets. On the day of the launch of the book, which will be on 17th of April 2016 in La Cochera in La Herradura, the prizes will be drawn by someone who has not been involved in the process of creating this book. Don’t worry if you do not live in the neighbourhood. If you win, your prize will be shipped to you the following week.

In order to cover the costs of the English and Spanish book and the cultural website that I am currently working on I will need your help! Whatever I can raise will be invested in the launch and to pay off expenses incurred along the way. So whatever you would like to donate, please feel free…every little helps!

I am offering a range of prizes for the raffle - big ones and not so big ones. These will include:
• 3 flamenco hangers worth 15 € each
• 2 sets of 20 postcards worth 25 € per set
• 2 sets of 12 mandala cards with envelopes worth 30 € per set
• 2 sets of 3 books – Cheers, Secret Thoughts and Reflections from La Herradura, in English or Spanish worth 49.50€ per set
• 2 sets of 4 mandala prints worth 60 € per set
• 2 wooden flamenco wall-hangers each worth 95 €
• a ‘surrender’ ceramic statue worth 235.00 €
• an original mandala painting worth 375.00 €
• an original flamenco painting worth 900.00 €

Front and back of surrender statue (9x9x9cm)

Sponsors are important
Your money counts and as a token of appreciation, everyone who has donated 100 € or more, will be named as a sponsor on the special cultural La Herradura website that is in the making, with, if desired, a photo with a caption and/or business link (optional) to a website. Sponsors of more than 250 € will be mentioned both on the website, see above, and in the book.

Sponsors go into a separate raffle for the oil painting (Seaside Reflections) used for the cover of the book, worth 2,500 €.

‘Seaside Reflections’

So would you like to be part of this interesting cultural project? If so, please send your donation via PayPal to / Opt for donation and write down your name. Any amount is welcome but for raffle tickets the minimum amount is 10 €. You can also transfer your donation directly into my bank account in The Netherlands, Arnhem

IBAN number NL71 INGB 0005 541225 in the name of R.H. van Nijen
Or into my bank account in Spain, La Herradura:
ES04 0487 3219 2790 0001 0003 BIC GBMNE SMMXXX in the name of Renate Henriet van Nijen
Please state your name and email address and ‘La Herradura project’!
As soon as I am notified of your donation you will receive an email with your raffle ticket number(s).

Thank you so much - here’s to helping to put La Herradura firmly on the cultural map!

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